Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Trail Work Day - Saturday April 11 at 8:30 am

This one has a good forecast, I don't have to work, and it's on a Saturday. We'll be splitting into two crews - one will do maintenance, while the other completes a small section and then blazes some new trail.

We rode the trail this weekend and it's in great shape for riding. The lines are getting better, and the dirt is packed down tight. The only thing different is the growth of the greenery. Totally different than this winter.

I talked with Jeff Witte and Tommy Hatcher the other day and we need a couple more maintainers. The COE is supposed to be getting some herbicide down on the first section of trail to keep the mowing down. And we're working on getting some boulders to barricade off the rednecks that like to dump and do doughnuts. Jeff is going to do some mowing, I'll be weed-eating - we need another person with a commercial grade weed-eater. (a cheapy will die out here) Hope we have a good turnout.



Booksy said...

I think I can make it this weekend (imagine that) see you at 8:30.

minikayaker said...

Unless my wife wants to go hiking, I'll be there.